Thursday, April 24, 2008


In my RDNG 302 class we had to write poetry. The type I had to write was Limericks. Here are some that I wrote:

There once was a cow named Tim
Who liked to play with Kim.
They ran about
And gave a shout
She fell in love with him.

There once was a frog named Dan
Who didn’t have a fan.
He got so hot
His skin started to spot
And he got a tan.

There once was a dog named Gail
Who liked to wag her tail
She played ball
And had a great fall
She liked to fetch the mail.

There once was a boy named Tum
Who liked to chew gum.
He was a sight
Because he wasn’t very bright
Some people called him a bum.

There once was a bride
Who had a cool ride.
She planned the wedding
With out even sweating
And then she went to hide.

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