Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Sydney White

So I rented Sydney White because it looked like a funny movie, my favorite quote off the preview was, “Sydney White must die a social death.” Who wouldn’t you want to see that, that’s funny! I guess I’m not the sharpest crayon in the box because on the front of the movie it has a picture of Sydney White and a picture of her “Prince” and a picture of the “7 dorks,” yet I didn’t catch on that this was a “college version” of Snow White until one of the “7 dorks” says, “It’s looking grim brothers.” I sat up and thought where do I know that from? That’s when I realized, my English 360 class. So I restarted the movie and watched it closer, sure enough it is a spin off of Snow White.

Summary of the movie: Sydney White’s mother dies when she is young, so she grows up with her father and her father’s co-workers. Her father is a plumber so all of his co-workers are male. Her mom went to SAU and was a member of the Kappa sorority, which makes Sydney a legacy. Sydney moves to college to follow in her mother’s footsteps. The president of Kappa, Rachel, doesn’t like Sydney because the guy she likes, Tyler Prince, was talking to Sydney. So Rachel arranges a way to keep Sydney out of Kappa. Well Sydney ends up living in the Vortex with the “7 dorks” that are all guys that are considered outsiders with no other place to live. Sydney decides that she wants the guys to run for student council president. So they start a campaign, and of course Rachel is the other component and she sabotages the guy that was running for president. So then Sydney decides to be president, running for the Power of 7 and supporting all of the outsiders at the school, in this case the outsiders where those not involved in a sorority or fraternity. Rachel tries to sabotage her some more; however, Sydney wins!

This movies connects to Snow White in many different ways. One of the underlying issues in Snow White is jealousy of beauty, and in this movie, that is also a problem. Rachel is jealous of Sydney because Tyler Prince likes Sydney and Rachel. Also, Sydney moves to number on the SAU Hot or Not. The Hot or Not is on MySpace and it’s like the mirror in Snow White, the students of SAU vote on who they thing is the prettiest. One time Rachel looks at Hot or Not and says, “Still the fairest of them all.” In this movie Rachel is like the step mom, she is the one who plots against Sydney White. She says, again the funniest line I think, “Sydney White must die a social death.” So even though we aren’t talking about actually killing someone, the dieing part is there, just like in Snow White. The 7 dorks in the movie take the place of the 7 dwarfs in Snow White. When Rachel gets kicked out of the Kappa’s, it’s raining and she is sitting on the curb in front of the Vortex, and the 7 dorks take her in and let her stay with them. The prince in this movie is the handsome Tyler Prince. And there is also the kiss. Rachel sabotages Sydney’s computer by getting someone to hack into it and delete her history paper and her debate speech, which is all suppose to happen the next day. So Sydney spends an all nighter in the library finishing her paper and her speech and then she has time for a nap so she falls asleep. Well the debate starts and Sydney is no where to be found. Tyler Prince runs up the library stairs finds her asleep in the chair and kisses her, and of course she wakes up, runs down to the debate, and beats Rachel.

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