Saturday, April 26, 2008

Double Trouble

Double Trouble by Rose Greydanus and illustrated by Roland Rodegast is one of my favorite picture books! It is about two racoons that look a like, sound a like, and act alike.
I like this book for many reasons. One is because the animals are racoons, and they are so adorable! The story line isn't much but it is funny. All of these good things happen and you dont know if it is Tim or if it is Jim who did them. But in the pictures one racoon is taking the credit for it and smiling while the other is frowning. However, bad things start happening. Like eating all the cookies and making a mess. Now you see the two boys pointing at each other, blaming the other one!
This reminds me so much of my younger brother and I. We aren't twins but we act like this. When one of us does something good we both try to take credit for it. But when something bad happens our fingers sure are pointing!
After our discussion of pictures and how they help create the story, I can really see how it works in this book. You can see things in the pictures that you don't get from just reading the text. The illustrations really add to the story.

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