Sunday, March 2, 2008


As a future teacher, I am constantly thinking of things I can do in my classroom. With the book, In the Small, Small Pond by Denise Fleming, I can teach a lesson about verbs. After the children read the book, they will go through each page and discuss each verb. They will use the illustrations as reinforcement for the meaning of the words. Then they will be given a blank sheet of paper where they will illustrate each word. They will write the word, for example waddle, and the definition of it on the top of the page, then they will illustrate the word.

I can also use this book to teach about animals. The pictures of the different animals are very vivid, which makes them great reinforcement! We will go through the book and talk about each animal talked about. We will look at the pictures of them, discuss what they look like, what they do, and where they live (in the water, out of the water, both). Then they will draw their own picture of the animals that are found in this book.

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